A brief introduction to computer networking

by | May 6, 2013 | Telecommunication

Normally, a computer network can be best described by its scale, some of the most popular networks, all refer to some sort of “area network,” such as LAN, local area network, WAN, wide area network and WLAN, wireless local area network. The original computer networking in Harrisburg was LAN and WAN, many others have gradually emerged as technology improved and expanded the scope of networking potential.

A brief description and introduction to some of the more popular networks follows:

LAN – Local area network:
A local area network is that which connects many devices that are confined to a relatively small area. LANs are often found in offices, schools and in many homes. In the case of schools and homes, there will usually be only one local area network; this may not be the case in an office building where various departments may have their own dedicated Computer Networking In Harrisburg. Local area networks make use of a single subnet of TCP/IP networking which is by far, the most important technology in networking; it is the language which allows computers to locate one another on the network.

WAN – Wide area network:
As the name implies, a WAN is a network which operates over a wide area, spanning great distances. The internet is a WAN, the largest on earth. A wide area network is made up of a large group of local area networks, spread far and wide. The LANs are connected to the wide area network using an electronic component known as a router. In internet protocol networking, the router is the device that maintains and local area network address and a wide area network address.

A WAN is very different than a LAN in a number of ways. Firstly, a LAN is typically owned by an individual or a single operation or organization, a WAN is not owned by a single organization, its ownership is collective. In addition to ownership, a WAN uses totally different technology so that it can connect over great distances.

Home networking:
Many homes have a single LAN, wired or WLAN, wireless. Regardless of the methodology employed, the network is connected to the WAN via the homeowners ISP, internet service provider. The ISP provides the home modem with an IP address, all the computers that are connected to the internet via this IP address use private IP addresses. Any and all equipment installed on the home network can communicate with one another but to reach the internet service provider, which in turn reaches the internet, the home computers must enter the network via a gateway, a broadband router.

The LAN and WAN is the most predominate Computer Networking In Harrisburg although there are networks which fall in between, a CAN, campus area network being a good example.

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